[PART 1] Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Reading - Tes Kerja BUMN CPNS

Latihan bahasa inggris bagian reading

Nomor 1.


The first mechanism establishes a relationship between the phase of the heartbeat and
conscious experience. In a regular rhythm, the heart contracts in the so-called systolic phase
and pumps blood into the body. In a second phase, the diastolic phase, the blood flows back
and the heart fills up again. In a previous publication from the MPI CBS, it was reported
that perception of external stimuli changes with the heartbeat. In systole, we are less likely
to detect a weak electric stimulus in the finger compared to diastole.
Now, in a new study, Esra Al and colleagues have found the reason for this change in
perception: Brain activity is changing over the heart cycle. In systole a specific component
of brain activity, which is associated with consciousness, the so called P300-component is
suppressed. In other words, it seems that -- in systole -- the brain makes sure that certain
information is kept out of conscious experience. The brain seems to take into account the
pulse which floods the body in systole and predicts that pulse-associated bodily changes are
"not real" but rather due to the pulse. Normally, this helps us to not be constantly disturbed
by our pulse. However, when it comes to weak stimuli which coincide with systole we
might miss them, although they are real.
During their investigations on heart-brain interactions, Al and colleagues also revealed a
second effect of heartbeat on perception: If a person's brain shows a higher response to the
heartbeat, the processing of the stimulus in the brain is attenuated -- the person detects the
stimulus less. "This seems to be a result of directing our attention between external
environmental signals and internal bodily signals.," explains study author Al. In other
words, a large heartbeat-evoked potential seems to reflect a "state of mind," in which we are
more focused on the functioning of our inner organs such as the blood circulation, however
less aware of stimuli from the outside world.
` The results not only have implications for our understanding of heart-brain interactions in
healthy persons, but also in patients. The senior author, Arno Villringer explains, "The new
results might help to explain why patients after stroke often suffer from cardiac problems
and why patients with cardiac disease often have impaired cognitive function."
The researchers investigated these relationships by sending weak electrical stimuli to
electrodes clamped onto the study participants fingers. In parallel, they recorded each
participants' brain processes using an EEG and their cardiac activity using an EKG.
(Adapted from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200428131707.htm)
In a rhythm regularly, The heart contracts in the so-called systolic phase and pumps blood
into the body.
A. Yes
B. No
C. Not Given

Pembahasan Jawaban : A. Yes
Pembahasan : Perhatikan paragraph ke satu, kalimat ke dua “In a regular
rhythm, the heart contracts in the so-called systolic phase and pumps
blood into the body.”, perhatikan Kata In a regular rhythm, pada soal kata
regular nya dibuat menjadi bentuk adverb, dimana kata tersebut menjadi
regularly. Namun hal tersebut tidak merubah arti dan makna dari kalimat
In a regular rhythm (dalam ritme yang teratur)
In a rhythm regularly (dalam ritme teratur).

- Opsi B salah, karena kalimat tersebut memiliki makna yang sama.
- Opsi C salah, karena pernyataan tersebut disebutkan pada teks tersebut.

Materi Reading

Nomor 2.

Soal Art Restoration: Beyond Canvas
1) Mount Everest is commonly acknowledged as the world's highest mountain, boasting an
elevation of over 29,000 feet (approximately 8,850 meters) above sea level.
2) However, other mountains lay claim to being the tallest when measured from different
vantage points. For instance, Chimborazo in Ecuador has been proposed as the tallest peak
when measured from Earth's center. Despite its elevation of more than 20,000 feet (6,000
meters), which falls short of Everest, its location near the Equator where the Earth bulges
results in it being roughly 6,800 feet (around 2,070 meters) higher above Earth's center than
Everest. Ultimately, Chimborazo extends nearly 4,000 miles (approximately 6,400
kilometers) above the Earth's center.
3) In terms of sheer height from base to summit, Hawaii's Mauna Kea surpasses Everest by
a significant margin, reaching about 33,500 feet (approximately 10,210 meters). However,
when measured from sea level, it stands at only around 13,800 feet (about 4,200 meters).
What is the closest meaning of the word ‘extends’ underlined in the second paragraph ?
A) Shorten
B) Lessen
C) Abridge
D) Broaden

Pembahasan A) Shorten
Kata "shorten" berarti mempersingkat atau membuat lebih pendek.
Dalam konteks teks, kata ini tidak sesuai karena teks tidak membahas
tentang mempersingkat atau membuat lebih pendek.
B) Lessen
Kata "lessen" berarti mengurangi atau membuat lebih sedikit. Dalam
konteks teks, kata ini juga tidak sesuai karena tidak ada keterangan
tentang pengurangan atau membuat lebih sedikit.
C) Abridge
Kata "abridge" berarti membuat lebih pendek dengan memotong atau
mengurangi. Dalam konteks teks, kata ini tidak sesuai karena tidak ada
konteks pemotongan atau pengurangan.
D) Broaden
Kata "broaden" berarti memperluas atau membuat lebih luas. Dalam
konteks teks, kata ini cocok karena teks menyebutkan bahwa Chimborazo
"extends nearly 4,000 miles above the Earth's center," yang berarti bahwa
Chimborazo membentang atau memperluas jaraknya dari pusat Bumi.
Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah D) Broaden.

Materi Reading

Nomor 3.

Soal The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema for
deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and stalagmites,
Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop after drop of
water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward from the
floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an overhead stalactite. A
colomn forms when stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they join . A “curtain” of
“drapery” begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.
Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow holes.
Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers may
flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves. Some caverns have sinkholes
in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping
water often contains dissolved minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be
deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change,
layers of different colors may be formed.
Which speleothem grows upward from the floor?
A. Stalagmites
B. Stalactices
C. Sinkholes
D. Curtains
E. Cave

Pembahasan Jawaban: A
Soal ini menanyakan speleothern yang mana yang tumbuh ke atas dari
lantai. Jawabannya adalah A karena stalagmitelah yang tumbuh ke atas
Opsi A (Benar)
Opsi B (Salah)
Stalactik itu menggantung dari langit-langit gua
Opsi C (Salah)
Sinkholes adalah merupakan bukaan yang mengarah ke dalam gua
Opsi D (Salah)
Curtains terbentuk saat butiran ir menetes menuruni lereng
Opsi E (Salah)
Artinya gua

Materi Reading

Nomor 4.

Soal When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand over at a
store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place of physical money. In
general, currency is a system of money backed by a government. Typically made up of
coins and paper notes, currency is a medium of exchange, meaning that it is the basis for
various kinds of trade and transactions. As technology has grown more sophisticated, digital
currencies (which have no physical form) have grown as more financial transactions have
gone online. Digital currency is simply a payment method that does not exist outside of its
electronic form.

Within the past decade, a new particularly popular kind of digital currency has emerged:
cryptocurrency. Although this new system is unlikely to replace the more traditional forms
of currency any time soon, it has made a significant impact in less than 10 years.

The prefix “crypto” originally comes from the Greek word meaning “hidden.” This does
not mean that cryptocurrency is secret, but rather that this “hidden” money is digital, and is
kept secure with digital-code encryption. These digital currencies are the heart of systems
that allow secure, direct payment for online transactions. “Crypto-” actually refers to the
cryptographic data encryption that keeps the transactions protected from hackers or other
digital eyes. It also makes cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.

Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a straightforward way to transfer
funds entirely online, without involving third parties like banks or credit card companies
(and paying the fees they often charge for processing transactions). Instead of physical coins
or paper notes, cryptocurrencies have digital “tokens,” or different digital denominations
(think of one- or five-dollar bill, etc.). For example, one bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000
satoshis, the smallest denomination of a bitcoin and named for bitcoin’s supposed inventor,
Satoshi Nakamoto. This enables transactions smaller than a full coin. The transfer of funds
involves “public” and “private” keys, which are lines of code that need to match on both
sides, so the transaction can be completed. Cryptocurrency is saved in the user’s “wallet,” or
a URL or internet account address that can only be accessed by the owner. The wallet has a
public key, and the private key is used to sign a transaction, much like you would sign a
check or a credit card slip.
source: https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/digital-currency

According to the passage, what keeps cryptocurrency safe?
A. It is kept hidden from view by any other digital eyes
B. It is encrypted by secret codes generated by computers
C. It safeguards financial transactions against cybercriminals
D. It prevents other parties from gaining unwanted access
E. It is concealed through one forms of digital currency

Pembahasan Jawaban: B. It is encrypted by secret codes generated by computers
Arti soal: “Berdasarkan teks, apa yang membuat mata uang crypto
Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat teks untuk
menemukan bagian yang menjelaskan tentang keamanan mata uang
crypto. Adapun hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 3, kalimat 2-5

“…is kept secure with digital-code encryption... “Crypto-” actually
refers to the cryptographic data encryption that keeps the transactions
protected from hackers or other digital eyes. It also makes
cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.”
“…dijaga keamanannya dengan enkripsi kode digital… “Crypto-“
sebenarnya mengacu pada enkripsi data kriptografi yang menjaga
transaksi terlindungi dari peretas atau mata digital lainnya. Hal ini juga
membuat mata uang crypto sulit untuk dipalsukan.”

Maka, dapat diketahui bahwa yang melindungi mata uang crypto adalah
enkripsi kode digital.

Opsi A (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini tetap tersembunyi dari pandangan digital lainnya.” Opsi
A salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang crypto
sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Opsi B (BENAR)
Artinya: “Hal ini dienkripsi dengan kode rahasia yang dihasilkan oleh
komputer.” Opsi B benar karena menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata
uang crypto sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Opsi C (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini melindungi transaksi keuangan dari penjahat dunia
maya.” Opsi C salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata
uang crypto sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Opsi D (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini mencegah pihak lain mendapatkan akses yang tidak
diinginkan.” Opsi D salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi
mata uang crypto sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.
Opsi E (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini disembunyikan melalui satu bentuk mata uang digital.”
Opsi E salah karena tidak menjelaskan apa yang melindungi mata uang
crypto sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Materi Reading

Nomor 5.

Soal Art Restoration: Beyond Canvas
1) Mount Everest is commonly acknowledged as the world's highest mountain, boasting an
elevation of over 29,000 feet (approximately 8,850 meters) above sea level.
2) However, other mountains lay claim to being the tallest when measured from different
vantage points. For instance, Chimborazo in Ecuador has been proposed as the tallest peak
when measured from Earth's center. Despite its elevation of more than 20,000 feet (6,000
meters), which falls short of Everest, its location near the Equator where the Earth bulges
results in it being roughly 6,800 feet (around 2,070 meters) higher above Earth's center than

Everest. Ultimately, Chimborazo extends nearly 4,000 miles (approximately 6,400
kilometers) above the Earth's center.
3) In terms of sheer height from base to summit, Hawaii's Mauna Kea surpasses Everest by
a significant margin, reaching about 33,500 feet (approximately 10,210 meters). However,
when measured from sea level, it stands at only around 13,800 feet (about 4,200 meters).
In the reading above, what is the author's purpose in the second paragraph ?
A) To elucidate the rationale behind considering certain mountains taller than Mount
Everest when assessed from varying viewpoints.
B) To provide information that Chimborazo in Ecuador has been proposed as the highest
summit when measured from the Earth's center.
C) To undertake a comparative analysis of the measurements between Mount Everest and
D) Solely to provide information on the height comparison between the two mountains,
Everest and Chimborazo, in terms of meters.

Pembahasan Dalam paragraf kedua, penulis membahas bagaimana gunung-gunung
dapat dianggap lebih tinggi daripada Gunung Everest ketika diukur dari
sudut pandang yang berbeda, seperti Chimborazo yang lebih tinggi ketika
diukur dari pusat bumi karena lokasinya yang dekat dengan Khatulistiwa.
Paragraf ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan mengapa gunung-gunung
tertentu mungkin dianggap lebih tinggi tergantung pada kriteria tertentu
yang digunakan untuk pengukuran, dengan demikian mendukung
gagasan pandangan yang bervariasi dalam menentukan ketinggian
gunung. Oleh karena itu, tujuan penulis dalam paragraf ini adalah untuk
menjelaskan alasan di balik pertimbangan gunung-gunung tertentu lebih
tinggi daripada Gunung Everest ketika diukur dari sudut pandang yang
Jawabannya adalah A) Untuk menjelaskan alasan di balik pertimbangan
gunung-gunung tertentu lebih tinggi daripada Gunung Everest ketika
diukur dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.
B) Untuk memberikan informasi bahwa Chimborazo di Ekuador telah
diusulkan sebagai puncak tertinggi ketika diukur dari pusat Bumi.
Pilihan ini tidak tepat karena paragraf tersebut tidak hanya memberikan
informasi bahwa Chimborazo diusulkan sebagai puncak tertinggi ketika
diukur dari pusat Bumi, tetapi juga membahas konsep bahwa gunung-
gunung lain dapat dianggap lebih tinggi dari Everest tergantung pada
sudut pandang yang berbeda. Oleh karena itu, jawaban B terlalu sempit
dan tidak mencakup seluruh tujuan paragraf.
C) Untuk melakukan analisis perbandingan pengukuran antara Gunung
Everest dan Chimborazo.
Pilihan ini tidak tepat karena paragraf tersebut tidak hanya melakukan
analisis perbandingan pengukuran antara Gunung Everest dan
Chimborazo, tetapi juga menjelaskan mengapa perbandingan tersebut
dapat bervariasi tergantung pada sudut pandang yang digunakan. Ini lebih
dari sekadar perbandingan angka; itu juga tentang memahami konsep
ketinggian gunung dari perspektif yang berbeda.
D) Hanya untuk memberikan informasi tentang perbandingan tinggi
antara dua gunung, Everest dan Chimborazo, dalam meter.
Pilihan ini terlalu sempit karena paragraf tersebut tidak hanya
memberikan informasi tentang perbandingan tinggi antara Everest dan

Chimborazo dalam meter, tetapi juga menjelaskan mengapa
perbandingan tersebut dapat bervariasi tergantung pada sudut pandang
yang digunakan. Ini lebih dari sekadar memberikan angka; itu juga
tentang memahami konsep ketinggian gunung dari perspektif yang
Jadi, pilihan A adalah yang paling tepat karena mencakup tujuan paragraf
secara keseluruhan, yaitu untuk menjelaskan alasan di balik
pertimbangan gunung-gunung tertentu lebih tinggi daripada Gunung
Everest ketika diukur dari sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Materi Reading

Nomor 6.

Soal Art Restoration: Beyond Canvas
1) Mount Everest is commonly acknowledged as the world's highest mountain, boasting an
elevation of over 29,000 feet (approximately 8,850 meters) above sea level.
2) However, other mountains lay claim to being the tallest when measured from different
vantage points. For instance, Chimborazo in Ecuador has been proposed as the tallest peak
when measured from Earth's center. Despite its elevation of more than 20,000 feet (6,000
meters), which falls short of Everest, its location near the Equator where the Earth bulges
results in it being roughly 6,800 feet (around 2,070 meters) higher above Earth's center than
Everest. Ultimately, Chimborazo extends nearly 4,000 miles (approximately 6,400
kilometers) above the Earth's center.
3) In terms of sheer height from base to summit, Hawaii's Mauna Kea surpasses Everest by
a significant margin, reaching about 33,500 feet (approximately 10,210 meters). However,
when measured from sea level, it stands at only around 13,800 feet (about 4,200 meters).
Based on the passage above, all statements below are true, EXCEPT!
A) Chimborazo surpasses Mount Everest in height when measured from the Earth's center.
B) Measured from the Earth's surface, Mount Chimborazo exhibits an elevation exceeding
that of Everest's summit by approximately 2,070 meters.
C) When gauged from sea level, the cumulative altitude of Mount Mauna Kea in Hawaii
surpasses that of both Mount Everest and Chimborazo.
D) In terms of pure elevation from base to summit, Mauna Kea falls short of Mount Everest.

Pembahasan A) Chimborazo surpasses Mount Everest in height when measured from
the Earth's center.
Pernyataan ini benar sesuai dengan teks. Teks menjelaskan bahwa
Chimborazo diusulkan sebagai puncak tertinggi saat diukur dari pusat
Bumi, dengan posisinya yang dekat dengan khatulistiwa membuatnya
lebih tinggi dari Everest dari pusat Bumi.
B) Measured from the Earth's surface, Mount Chimborazo exhibits an
elevation exceeding that of Everest's summit by approximately 2,070
Pernyataan ini benar sesuai dengan teks. Teks menjelaskan bahwa
Chimborazo, meskipun memiliki elevasi yang lebih rendah dari Everest,
menjadi lebih tinggi dari Everest dari pusat Bumi karena posisinya yang
dekat dengan khatulistiwa.
C) When gauged from sea level, the cumulative altitude of Mount Mauna
Kea in Hawaii surpasses that of both Mount Everest and Chimborazo.

Pernyataan ini benar sesuai dengan teks. Teks menjelaskan bahwa Mauna
Kea di Hawaii memiliki ketinggian yang lebih tinggi dari Everest saat
diukur dari permukaan laut, melebihi kedua Everest dan Chimborazo
dalam hal ketinggian akumulatif.
D) In terms of pure elevation from base to summit, Mauna Kea falls short
of Mount Everest.
Pernyataan ini salah. Teks sebenarnya menyatakan sebaliknya. Teks
menyebutkan bahwa Mauna Kea di Hawaii melampaui Everest dalam hal
ketinggian murni dari dasar hingga puncak, dengan ketinggian sekitar
33.500 kaki (sekitar 10.210 meter) dibandingkan dengan Everest yang
sekitar 29.000 kaki (sekitar 8.850 meter). Jadi, pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Materi Reading

Nomor 7.

Soal Reading
The first mechanism establishes a relationship between the phase of the heartbeat and
conscious experience. In a regular rhythm, the heart contracts in the so-called systolic phase
and pumps blood into the body. In a second phase, the diastolic phase, the blood flows back
and the heart fills up again. In a previous publication from the MPI CBS, it was reported
that perception of external stimuli changes with the heartbeat. In systole, we are less likely
to detect a weak electric stimulus in the finger compared to diastole.
Now, in a new study, Esra Al and colleagues have found the reason for this change in
perception: Brain activity is changing over the heart cycle. In systole a specific component
of brain activity, which is associated with consciousness, the so called P300-component is
suppressed. In other words, it seems that -- in systole -- the brain makes sure that certain
information is kept out of conscious experience. The brain seems to take into account the
pulse which floods the body in systole and predicts that pulse-associated bodily changes are
"not real" but rather due to the pulse. Normally, this helps us to not be constantly disturbed
by our pulse. However, when it comes to weak stimuli which coincide with systole we
might miss them, although they are real.
During their investigations on heart-brain interactions, Al and colleagues also revealed a
second effect of heartbeat on perception: If a person's brain shows a higher response to the
heartbeat, the processing of the stimulus in the brain is attenuated -- the person detects the
stimulus less. "This seems to be a result of directing our attention between external
environmental signals and internal bodily signals.," explains study author Al. In other
words, a large heartbeat-evoked potential seems to reflect a "state of mind," in which we are
more focused on the functioning of our inner organs such as the blood circulation, however
less aware of stimuli from the outside world.
` The results not only have implications for our understanding of heart-brain interactions in
healthy persons, but also in patients. The senior author, Arno Villringer explains, "The new
results might help to explain why patients after stroke often suffer from cardiac problems
and why patients with cardiac disease often have impaired cognitive function."
The researchers investigated these relationships by sending weak electrical stimuli to
electrodes clamped onto the study participants fingers. In parallel, they recorded each
participants' brain processes using an EEG and their cardiac activity using an EKG.
(Adapted from https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2020/04/200428131707.htm)
The first mechanism decides a relationship among the phase of the heartbeat and conscious
A. Yes
B. No

C. Not Given

Pembahasan Jawaban : A. Yes
Pembahasan :
Perhatikan paragraph pertama, kalimat pertama pada teks tersebut.
Kalimat “The first mechanism establishes a relationship between the
phase of the heartbeat and conscious experience.”, perlu kita pahami
bahwa kata establishes diganti dengan decides, dan between diganti
menjadi among pada soal tersebut, maka peryataan tersebut benar atau
‘yes’ dinyatakan pada teks tersebut.
- Opsi B salah, karena pernyataan tersebut benar dinyatakan pada teks
- Opsi C salah, karena peryataan tersebu dijelaskan da nada referensinya
pada teks tersebut.

Materi Reading

Nomor 8.

Soal When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash you hand
over at a store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can be used in place
of physical money. In general, currency is a system of money backed by a
government. Typically made up of coins and paper notes, currency is a medium
of exchange, meaning that it is the basis for various kinds of trade and
transactions. As technology has grown more sophisticated, digital currencies
(which have no physical form) have grown as more financial transactions have
gone online. Digital currency is simply a payment method that does not exist
outside of its electronic form.

Within the past decade, a new particularly popular kind of digital currency
has emerged: cryptocurrency. Although this new system is unlikely to replace
the more traditional forms of currency any time soon, it has made a significant
impact in less than 10 years.
The prefix “crypto” originally comes from the Greek word meaning “hidden.”
This does not mean that cryptocurrency is secret, but rather that this “hidden”
money is digital, and is kept secure with digital-code encryption. These digital
currencies are the heart of systems that allow secure, direct payment for online
transactions. “Crypto-” actually refers to the cryptographic data encryption that
keeps the transactions protected from hackers or other digital eyes. It also
makes cryptocurrency difficult to counterfeit.

Cryptocurrency has gained popularity because it offers a straightforward way
to transfer funds entirely online, without involving third parties like banks or
credit card companies (and paying the fees they often charge for processing
transactions). Instead of physical coins or paper notes, cryptocurrencies have
digital “tokens,” or different digital denominations (think of one- or five-dollar bill,
etc.). For example, one bitcoin is equivalent to 100,000,000 satoshis, the
smallest denomination of a bitcoin and named for bitcoin’s supposed inventor,
Satoshi Nakamoto. This enables transactions smaller than a full coin. The
transfer of funds involves “public” and “private” keys, which are lines of code

that need to match on both sides, so the transaction can be completed.
Cryptocurrency is saved in the user’s “wallet,” or a URL or internet account
address that can only be accessed by the owner. The wallet has a public key,
and the private key is used to sign a transaction, much like you would sign a
check or a credit card slip.

source: education.nationalgeographic.org

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about currency?

A. It has official backing from the government

B. It typically made up both coins and paper

C. It refers the means used to pay for stuff

D. It does not exist in tangible form

E. It functions as a means of trad

Pembahasan Jawaban: D. It does not exist in tangible form
Arti soal: “Manakah dari berikut ini yang TIDAK BENAR tentang mata
Untuk menjawab soal ini, kita perlu membaca cepat untuk menemukan
bagian bacaan yang menjelaskan tentang mata uang (currency). Adapun
hal tersebut dibahas dalam paragraf 1 sebagai berikut:
“When you think of “currency,” you are probably thinking of the cash
you hand over at a store, or the credit cards or money transfers that can
be used in place of physical money. In general, currency is a system of
money backed by a government. Typically made up of coins and paper
notes, currency is a medium of exchange, meaning that it is the basis for
various kinds of trade and transactions.”
“Ketika memikirkan “mata uang”, yang mungkin anda pikirkan uang
tunai yang diberikan ke toko, atau kartu kredit atau transfer uang yang
dapat digunakan sebagai pengganti uang fisik. Secara umum, mata uang
adalah sistem uang yang didukung oleh pemerintah. Biasanya terdiri dari
koin dan uang kertas, mata uang adalah alat tukar, yang berarti bahwa hal
ini adalah dasar untuk berbagai jenis perdagangan dan transaksi.”
Dari teks tersebut dapat disimpulkan beberapa hal tentang mata uang,
1) Mata uang adalah sistem uang yang didukung pemerintah
2) Biasanya ada bentuk koin dan kertas
3) Mata uang adalah alat tukar
4) Digunakan untuk transaksi dan perdagangan
Selanjutnya, kita perlu mencari dari opsi A sampai E mana yang
merupakan pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan informasi dalam teks.

Opsi A (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini memiliki dukungan resmi dari pemerintah.” Opsi A
salah karena merupakan pernyataan tentang mata uang yang sesuai
dengan isi teks.
Opsi B (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini biasanya terdiri atas koin dan kertas.” Opsi B salah
karena merupakan pernyataan tentang mata uang yang sesuai dengan isi
Opsi C (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini adalah cara yang digunakan untuk membayar barang.”
Opsi C salah karena merupakan pernyataan tentang mata uang yang
sesuai dengan isi teks.
Opsi D (BENAR)
Artinya: “Hal ini tidak memiliki bentuk nyata/fisik”. Opsi D benar karena
merupakan pernyataan yang tidak sesuai, Dalam teks disebutkan bahwa
mata uang memiliki bentuk nyata, yang tidak memiliki bentuk nyata
adalah mata uang digital.
Opsi E (salah)
Artinya: “Hal ini berfungsi sebagai sarana perdagangan.” Opsi E salah
karena merupakan pernyataan tentang mata uang yang sesuai dengan isi

Materi Reading

Nomor 9.

Soal The most familiar speleothems (from the Greek word spelion for cave and thema for
deposit), the decorative dripstone features found in caves, are stalacties and stalagmites,
Stalacties hang downward from ceiling of the cave and are formed as drop after drop of
water slowly trickles through cracks in the cave roof. Stalagmites grow upward from the
floor of the cave, generally as a result of water dripping from an overhead stalactite. A
colomn forms when stalactite and a stalagmite grow until they join . A “curtain” of
“drapery” begins to form on an inclined ceiling when drops of water trickle along a slope.
Natural openings on the surface that lead to caves are called sinkholes, or swallow holes.
Streams sometimes disappear down these holes and flow through the cavern. Rivers may
flow from one mountain to another through a series of caves. Some caverns have sinkholes
in thier floors. Water often build up a rim of dripstone around the edge of the hole. Dripping
water often contains dissolved minerals as well as acid. These minerals too will be
deposited; and they may give rich coloring to the deposits. If minerals in the water change,
layers of different colors may be formed.

Stalagmites are formed by ....
A. drops of water which enter through cracks in the ceiling.
B. underground rivers which flow through the cave.
C. water dripping from an overhead stalactite
D. water which trickles down a slope.
E. water which drops from the cloud

Pembahasan Jawaban: C
Pertanyaan untuk soal ini artinya stalagmit dibentuk oleh?
Dan jawabannya ada di paragraf ke 1 kalimat ke 4 yaitu ‘Stalagmites
grow upward from the floor of the cave, generally as a result of water
dripping from an overhead stalactite’
Opsi A (Salah)
Opsi ini menyatakan bagaimana stalactite dibentuk, sedangkan yang
ditanyakan adalah stalagmite.
Opsi B (Salah)
Opsi ini artinya dihasilkan dari sungai yang mengalir melalui gua.
Opsi C (Benar)
Opsi ini menyatakan bahwa tetesan dari atas stalactite. Maka jawaban ini
benar karena sesuai dengan informasi yang ada dibacaan
Opsi D (Salah)
Arti opsi ini adalah air yang menetes ke bawah lereng
Opsi E (Salah)
Arti opsi ini adalah air yang jatuh dari langit.

Materi Reading

Nomor 10.

Soal Art Restoration: Beyond Canvas
1) Mount Everest is commonly acknowledged as the world's highest mountain, boasting an
elevation of over 29,000 feet (approximately 8,850 meters) above sea level.
2) However, other mountains lay claim to being the tallest when measured from different
vantage points. For instance, Chimborazo in Ecuador has been proposed as the tallest peak
when measured from Earth's center. Despite its elevation of more than 20,000 feet (6,000
meters), which falls short of Everest, its location near the Equator where the Earth bulges
results in it being roughly 6,800 feet (around 2,070 meters) higher above Earth's center than
Everest. Ultimately, Chimborazo extends nearly 4,000 miles (approximately 6,400
kilometers) above the Earth's center.
3) In terms of sheer height from base to summit, Hawaii's Mauna Kea surpasses Everest by
a significant margin, reaching about 33,500 feet (approximately 10,210 meters). However,
when measured from sea level, it stands at only around 13,800 feet (about 4,200 meters).

What is the author’s main point in the passage?
A) Informing that Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth.
B) Explaining the differences in the world's tallest mountains based on their summit

C) Highlighting how different mountains can be considered the “tallest” depending on the
measurement criteria used.
D) Providing information about the locations of the world's tallest mountains.

Pembahasan A) Memberi informasi bahwa Gunung Everest adalah gunung tertinggi di
Pilihan ini tidak tepat karena meskipun dalam teks disebutkan Gunung
Everest sebagai gunung tertinggi yang umum diakui, tetapi juga
membahas gunung lain seperti Chimborazo dan Mauna Kea, yang
menantang status ini berdasarkan kriteria pengukuran yang berbeda. Teks
tidak hanya berfokus pada status Gunung Everest sebagai gunung
B) Menjelaskan perbedaan di antara gunung-gunung tertinggi di dunia
berdasarkan elevasi puncak mereka.
Pilihan ini sebagian benar karena teks memang membahas perbedaan
gunung-gunung tertinggi berdasarkan berbagai kriteria pengukuran.
Namun, teks tidak hanya fokus pada elevasi puncak; juga
mempertimbangkan pengukuran dari pusat Bumi dan ketinggian murni
dari dasar ke puncak.
C) Menyoroti bagaimana berbagai gunung dapat dianggap "tertinggi"
tergantung pada kriteria pengukuran yang digunakan.
Pilihan ini benar. Teks menekankan variabilitas dalam menentukan
gunung tertinggi tergantung pada kriteria pengukuran yang digunakan,
seperti elevasi di atas permukaan laut, elevasi dari pusat Bumi, dan
ketinggian murni dari dasar ke puncak.
D) Memberikan informasi tentang lokasi gunung-gunung tertinggi di
Pilihan ini tidak tepat karena teks tidak secara utama berfokus pada
memberikan informasi tentang lokasi gunung-gunung tertinggi di dunia.
Meskipun menyebutkan beberapa gunung spesifik seperti Gunung
Everest, Chimborazo, dan Mauna Kea, teks lebih fokus pada diskusi
tentang konsep ketinggian gunung dan variabilitas dalam menentukan
gunung tertinggi berdasarkan kriteria pengukuran yang berbeda daripada
sekadar memberikan informasi geografis.

Materi Reading